My mother was busting out with laughter every 3 or 4 pictures, super professional as my model. Do people really think this is what women want to wear? The bright lavender leather, tacky stars and fringe, a "smoking" magnum revolver, and a patch right on the chest with Hookers Headers embroidered on it. Needless to say it was on the clearance rack and Hookers really should just stick to headers, mufflers and exhaust systems.
Unfortunately in the world of Sportbikes, ICON has a cult following with those that we call "squids". Those that are more into "serving the streets" and making sure everyone sees them riding (or moreso parked and standing next to their bike), than they are actually riding their bikes for any real purpose other than what they deem fashion. The "gear" is an accessory like flahing lights and loud pipes more than it is for safety.